We saw lots of gondolas.

 This time last year we went to Venice for our Easter break.

We saw lots of pretty canals.

We saw lots of pretty canals.

Mom wanted me to pose for lots of photos…BORING!!!

We saw lots of bridges.

We saw lots of bridges.

Mom said, “This is so ROMANTIC!”

Dad said, “I feel like I’m walking around in a movie set!”

I said, “Can we eat some pizza now?  And some gelato??!!”

More gondolas.

More gondolas.

A gondola parking lot:)

A gondola parking lot:)

Photos SHMOTOS!  I want to RIDE in a Gondola!

So we did!

So we did!

Next we went to San Marco Square.

San Marco Square.

“That’s amazing!” exclaimed Mom and Dad.  Did they mean the pigeons??

Chasing pigeons is a blast!

Chasing pigeons is a blast!

Hey!  What’s that guy in the green doing?  I think I’ll try it, too!

I'm waiting...

I’m waiting…

Yikes!  There’s a pigeon on my head!!!

Sweet success!

Sweet success!

I got to ride a lion.

I got to ride a lion.

Then, more sightseeing and photos….sigh!

This is the Bridge of Sighs.

This is the Bridge of Sighs.

But, WAIT! A better plan…

Water taxi...now, that's what I'm talking about!

Water taxi…now, that’s what I’m talking about!

That's me entertaining the tourists on the boat:)

That’s me entertaining the tourists on the boat:)

Venice by water taxi.

Venice by water taxi.

Being on a boat makes sightseeing so much more fun!

Hmmm...I guess Venice is a very cool place!

Hmmm…I guess Venice is a very cool place!

I hope you liked my photo essay.  They are ALL our own, REAL photos…with a little artistic work on picmonkey!

This Easter we are going to Spain…I wonder what adventures we’ll have there?!